
2013. augusztus 30., péntek

"The Future of EU Intelligence and Internal Security"

29th March, 2011 12:08 (Archiv)

National security remains the sole responsibility of each Member State, as the Lisbon Treaty clearly defines.
At the same time the Stockholm Programme calls for very specific issues to be dealt with, in particular the division of tasks between the Union and the MS, solidarity between MS, reflection of a proactive and intelligence-led approach, stringent cooperation between the Union agencies, including further improving their information exchange, a focus on implementation and streamlining as well as on improvement of preventive action and last but not least at all: the aim of making citizens aware of the importance of the Union's work to protect them.

The goal of the Hearing on the Future of EU Intelligence and Internal Security is to provide a forum on this important set of topics through the involvement of high-level officials and professionals.

Time has come for stocktaking as the security challenges and the changing face of terrorism and organized crime and the relationship between them highlights the importance of stronger and redefined cooperation between the security services not only on bilateral but multilateral level under the umbrella of the EU. The questions on the forms of cooperation in intelligence require thought-provoking discussions especially now that the implementation of the EEAS is in progress. Are the exchanges of information efficient and sufficient enough? Are we connecting the dots? Are we doing everything to take preventive measures against threats affecting the European way of life? Do we see clearly and without doubts the border line between the internal dimension of external security and external dimension of internal security? What is the methodology of task sharing in practice? The shift from the "need to know" approach towards the "need to share" principle cannot exist without mutual trust. What are the key aspects of building trusted relationships between the symbolic authorities of national sovereignty in the European Union? What are the key areas where European cooperation is necessary? It would be an advantage for MS to mutually examine the models and strength of the other and could possibly learn from each other by integrating experiences bearing in mind the main objective of uniting of forces.

Can Europe afford having fragmented intelligence presence across the globe in a world of rising global threats and global competition? Is it realistic to start thinking about the foundations of a future common EU intelligence?

However, trust has another dimension, namely the democratic accountability of EU agencies dealing with home affairs. What lessons can be learnt from different existing MS practices? What can be implemented on EU level without putting the basic principles and functioning of the intelligence and security organizations at risk and increasing the safety and security of European citizens?

Draft Programme

14:30 Welcome Speeches


Dr. Simon BUSUTTIL, MEP and EPP coordinator in the Committee on Civil
Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

14:45 Panel 1: EU intelligence and internal strategy

Mr. Ilkka SALMI, Director of EU Situation Centre

Mr. Ferenc BÁNFI, Director of CEPOL

Mr. Patryk PAWLAK, Research Fellow at EUISS

Mr. Olivier LUYCKX, Head of Unit Crisis Management and Fight against terrorism, DG Home, European Commission

15:45 Discussion/Questions

16:15 Panel 2: The future of multilateral intelligence cooperation

Mag. Peter GRIDLING, Director Austrian Federal Agency for State Protection and Counter Terrorism

Mr. Gabriel FUENTES GONZÁLEZ, former General Superintendant for Information, Spain

Prof. Klaus SCHMIDT, former Director of Criminal Investigations, Germany

Prof. Dr. Jürgen STOCK, Vice President of the German Federal Criminal Police Office (tbc)

17:15 Discussion/Questions

17:45 Closing remarks by Ms. Ágnes HANKISS, MEP

18:00 End of Hearing

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