
2015. szeptember 25., péntek

Hungary wants to protect its borders, not close them

Prime Minister’s Office

János Lázár

Minister of Prime Minister’s Office

“HungaryWANTS to protect its borders, not close them”, Government Spokesperson Zoltan Kovács explained on Kossuth Radio’s “180 Minutes”PROGRAMME.
With relation to contradictory statements by various European politicians, Mr. Kovács said he couldn’t understand why EU member states are arguing amongst each other about fundamental EU regulations that are absolutely definitive: the European Union’s borders must be protected.

In reply to a question, the Government Spokesperson also reported on the fact that construction of the temporary border security fence along the Hungarian-Croatian border is nearing completion and a rapid deployment razor wire fence is already in position along the Slovenian border at Tornyiszentmiklós.

“The Government agrees that the fence is not the solution for handling mass migration, but it is a means toHELP stop illegal immigration”, Mr. Kovács said on public telection M1, adding that “the Schengen Agreement also states that European Union member states may use all means necessary to protect their borders”.

The Government Spokesperson also spoke about the fact that Wednesday’s emergency summit of EU heads of state and government in Brussels, which lasted until well after midnight, had achieved significant results, although progress was still not made on the most important issue: reinforcing the Greek border. It is however very important to note that President of the European Council Donald Tusk also made it clear: everyone must follow EU regulations.

With reference to this, Mr. Kovács said that Croatia may not be a member of the Schengen Area, but it is a member of the European Union, and despite this it is purposefully and declaredly ignoring the regulations that apply to it.

“Everyone should comply with EU regulations just like Hungary is doing, and preferably as stringently as possible”, the Government Spokesperson said on Hungarian TV2’s morning programme.
PRIME Minister's Office)

Today Bavaria’s borders are being defended by Hungary+ video

The Prime Minister

Viktor Orbán

The Prime Minister

Speaking about the migration crisis at a joint press conference with the Bavarian minister-president and Chairman of Germany’s conservative CSU party,PRIME Minister Viktor Orbán said that today Bavaria’s borders are being defended by Hungary.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/RuVMoKcwtvk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

For English subtitles please click on the ’subtitles’ icon on the right corner of the panel and turn subtitles on.
ThePRIME Minister outlined his views on the matter at Banz Abbey (Kloster Banz) on Wednesday, after a meeting of the German conservative CSU party’sLEGISLATIVE group in Bavaria, and talks with Bavarian minister-president Horst Seehofer – who is also Chairman of the CSU.
The Hungarian prime minister’s proposals include encouraging Greece to hand over protection of its external borders to those European countries which are willing to take part in this effort. Mr. Orbán additionally suggests that refugees should be separated from economic migrants at points outside the borders of the Schengen Area, and that at a European level the EU should identify those countries which it regards as safe countries. With regard to the latter, he urged that EU Member States and EU candidate countries should be regarded as safe as a matter of course.
Photo: Miklós Kobza/Prime Minister's Office
His fourth proposal is that, in order to raise sufficient funds, each Member State should increase its (EU) contributions by one per cent, while reducing other spending by one per cent. This would represent three billion euros for each per cent; this exercise should be repeated as many times as management of the crisis necessitates, he stated.
Mr. Orbán further proposed engagement in partnerships with those states without which the situation cannot be managed – specifically mentioning Turkey. At the same time, he also suggested that “relations with Russia should be placed on a new footing”.
Finally, he proposed setting up a global system of allocation – a concept which he will also raise at the UN next week. In other words, the whole world should be involved in the management of the refugee crisis.
The purpose of his package of six proposals, he said, is to inject reality into European policy.
At the press conference Mr. Orbán went on to point out that, thanks to the EU and the Schengen Agreement, the borders of Bavaria can now be defended at the external Schengen border, which today is the southern border of Hungary.
The Prime Minister said that, in some respects, he is “the captain of one of the Bavarian minister-president’s border fortresses” and, as such, “it is my duty to come here and report on the situation”.
He said that, in its historic importance and historic sweep, the current migrant crisis may determine the future of Europe, and how Europe responds to this situation is very much dependent on what response Germany chooses to give.  He added that the German response will be greatly influenced by Bavaria’s position.
He argued that the Hungarian government is of the opinion that suspension of the Schengen rules is not the right solution. In his view, it is possible for processes which are currently taking place “outside the boundaries of the law” to be redirected within those legal boundaries, and this is what he is seeking support for.
Photo: Miklós Kobza/Prime Minister's Office
In answer to a question, Mr. Orbán said that he envisaged “definitive border closure” along the Hungarian-Croatian border as well. “If we receive confirmation that we are able to enforce the laws of Hungary, to introduce a physical barrier on the green border, and to direct those wishing to enter towards the designated crossing points, we shall establish definitive border closure”, he said. He added that after the introduction of this border closure it will not be possible to cross the green border between Croatia and Hungary without consequences under criminal law.
In his words this could occur at any hour, on any day, “regardless of Croatia’s threats and blackmail”. What makes the situation more difficult, he added, is that Croatia openly transports people in their thousands to the Hungarian border: people who do not want to be registered, and who do not want to accept the basic requirement of cooperation with the authorities.
The Prime Minister also told the press that, as a result of the border fence erected on the Hungarian-Serbian border, illegal entry from Serbia has fallen to a fraction of what it was. Hungary is able to conduct asylum procedures on the border, before entry into the Schengen Area, Mr. Orbán confirmed.
“It is not for fun that we are doing what we are doing; no one likes serving in a border fortress [...] But this historic role of protecting the external borders has now fallen to Hungary”, he pointed out. If Hungary fails to do this, he said, the borders will “slide” to a position between Austria and Hungary, or between Germany and Austria.
He told the press that Hungary is prepared to take part in devising a contingent-based solution as proposed by the CSU; this would focus on accepting numbers of refugees determined by their countries of origin.
In answer to another question, the Prime Minister stated that Hungary accepts Germany’s decision, but it expressly asks Germany not to make this binding on Hungary. “There should be no moral imperialism”, he said. While Mr. Orbán said he does not challenge Germany’s right to decide on whether it to admits everyone or refuses everyone, Hungary does not want to change as a result of mass migration.
He went on to say that there is no sympathy for anyone who threatens or injures Hungarian police officers, but there is sympathy for people who have been deceived by being promised entry into the territory of the EU in return for money, or who were promised that they would be welcomed and are now being deported.
Photo: Miklós Kobza/Prime Minister's Office
The Prime Minister said that in the present situation it is the duty of Christian individuals to help the needy; meanwhile, it is the duty of Christian politicians to help them resume their lives as soon as possible in the countries where that is now not possible, and to protect them until this is made possible. “It is there where we should create the necessary conditions and means, and we should manage the current crisis in a way which enables them to return there within the shortest possible time, as that is where they belong” the Prime Minister said.
Hungary remains opposed to the quota system for distribution of asylum seekers, but it is prepared to take part in devising a special allocation solution, Mr. Orbán said. Regarding the two proposed solutions, he remarked that they “are two different things: quota has one meaning, special allocation has another”.
The Prime Minister pointed out that while the Government continues to reject the quota system, it is prepared to take part in devising a special allocation solution which relates to the reception of a number of refugees determined by their countries of origin; he said he sees this as “a possible direction”.
Mr. Orbán will travel on from Bavaria to Brussels, where at an extraordinary summit the leaders of the European Union Member States will discuss the latest developments in the migration crisis and proposals for possible solutions. The summit of EU heads of state and government was convened by Donald Tusk, President of the European Council. The heads of state and government will meet after the interior ministers of the Member States discussed the issue of quotas on Tuesday; the interior ministers approved by a large majority a plan for distributing 120,000 refugees (with the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia voting against, and Finland abstaining). The Hungarian position is that the distribution of refugees does not solve the problem, the root of which is not within the European Union but outside it; accordingly, a solution must be found outside the EU. Furthermore, Hungary completely rejects being classified as a frontline country without being consulted on the question.
(Prime Minister's Office/MTI)

We should consider letting migrants through to Austria and Germany

The Prime Minister

Viktor Orbán

The Prime Minister

Speaking to journalists early on Thursday morning after the extraordinary EU summit,PRIME Minister Viktor Orbán explained the position he had argued for in the discussions. He said that Hungary has two options: either it protects its green border with a fence, or “if some do not like this”, it also has the option of letting migrants through to Austria and Germany.
“The Austrian chancellor stated in no uncertain terms that if we can only stop them with a fence, we would be better off letting them through”, the Prime Minister informed the press, adding that “this is something we should consider”.
The Prime Minister also said that out of the six Hungarian proposals put forward at the extraordinary summit, the heads of state and government succeeded in coming to an agreement on five issues. Mr Orbán told the press that they failed to agree on the proposal which stated that if Greece is unable to protect its borders, the European Union should do so as part of a joint effort.
Photo: MTI
ThePRIME Minister pointed out that “This is a pity, since this is the most important of all the proposals. So in this respect, the external borders of Europe remain unprotected, and illegal migrants continue to pour in through Greece in violation of international conventions”.
The Prime Minister said that he gained the impression that the determination, courage and decisive action that this would require were lacking. “I had the impression that they do not regard this to be as important as we Hungarians do”, Mr Orbán said when speaking of the summit.
The package of proposals the Hungarian prime minister presented in Bavaria on Wednesday suggests – in addition to joint EU surveillance of the Greek border – that refugees must be separated from economic migrants at points outside the Schengen Zone, and that a joint EU list of safe countries should be drawn up.
Additionally, in order to raise new funds, the Prime Minister proposed that each EU Member State should increase its contributions by one per cent, reducing other spending by a corresponding one per cent; this would represent a sum of three billion euros for every one per cent. This exercise, he said, must be repeated as many times as management of the crisis necessitates.
The Prime Minister further proposed the development of key partnerships with those countries without which the situation cannot be managed, making specific mention of Turkey, and additionally suggesting that “relations with Russia should be placed on a new footing”.
As item number six, Mr Orbán proposed the setting up of a so-called global allocation system, so that the whole world can take part in the management of the refugee crisis.
(Prime Minister's Office/MTI)

Hungarian Government regards quota system as grossly mistaken

Prime Minister’s Office

János Lázár

Minister of Prime Minister’s Office

The Government will initiate a parliamentary debate on the quota system in order to acquaint itself with the views of the parliamentary parties on the matter before deciding whether to contest the EU quota decision before a court, János Lázár, the Minister heading thePRIME Minister’s Office stated at his press conference “Governmentinfo 24 – What does the Government do and why?” held jointly with State Secretary for Government Communications András Giró-Szász.
Quota system is grossly mistaken
In his words, the quota system is a typical example of “moral imperialism” which “Germany imposes on Europe”. The Hungarian Government regards the quota system as a grossly mistaken decision, he emphasised, remarking: he cannot accept that those who wish to take in refugees due to demographic or labour marketPROBLEMS or for reasons of conscience “should want to make us take in refugees as well”.
Mr Lázár further informed the press thatPRIME Minister Viktor Orbán will render an account of his talks in Bavaria and Brussels at the extraordinary meeting of the national security cabinet on Thursday afternoon, where mention will also be made of the protection of the Hungarian-Croatian border section. He remarked that the Government will continuously consult with the leaders of the neighbouring countries concerned in the next few days.
Photo: Károly Árvai
If AustriaWANTS something else, it must bear the consequences
The Minister also reacted to the fact that Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann stressed at the extraordinary summit held on Wednesday that if the fence is the price we have to pay for stopping the migrants, Hungary would be better off letting them through. Mr Lázár described this statement as dangerous, given that there may be as many as 30-40,000 people at the Croatian and Hungarian border, and indicated: the Chancellor’s proposal should be considered. He highlighted that, based on Hungarian experiences, the external Schengen borders can be protected, but if Austria wants something else, it must bear the consequences. “We must talk to Austria about what they actually mean by this grave statement”, he said.
The Minister further stressed: “the wisdom and volume of speech [of a great many European leaders] only extend so far as to tell us what is right and why we are Fascists”, but when a question arises such as who should cover the costs, they are unable to give an answer.
Photo: Károly Árvai
The Minister highlighted that an “absolute record” was broken on Wednesday: more than 10,000 illegal migrants entered the territory of Hungary, and with the exception of some one hundred people who came from the direction of Serbia, almost all of them came from Croatia. As a result, by Wednesday midnight, 242,000 illegal migrants crossed the border of Hungary in total this year, which is unprecedented, he said.
The head of the Prime Minister’s Office spoke of an organised operation; as he pointed out, with the closure of the Hungarian-Serbian border, the route has changed and illegal migration has been “diverted in an organised fashion” to the Hungarian-Croatian border section which seriously violates Hungary’s national security interests.
In his view, “what Europe is doing at present conveys unimaginable security risks”.
In answer to the question whether the Government has a settlement plan, Mr Lázár said: the cabinet has one settlement plan which relates to Hungarians beyond the borders for the event of an attack on them.
Photo: Károly Árvai
János Lázár to have talks in Brussels next week
János Lázár, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office will conduct talks in Brussels next Tuesday regarding the capacity maintenance project of the Paks atomic power station. He will meet with EU Commissioner for competition Margrethe Vestager.
Mr Lázár told the press that he had been authorised by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to attempt to reach an agreement with the commissioner for competition in Brussels on the conditions of the implementation of the Paks project.
Photo: Károly Árvai
Nándor Csepreghy to be appointed to State Secretary
Effective as of 1 October, Deputy State Secretary for Development Policy Communication Nándor Csepreghy will be appointed to the post of State Secretary and Deputy Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office, Mr Lázár announced.
The Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office indicated at his press conference that he will continue to rely on the work of the current Deputy Minister László L. Simon, inter alia, in the fields of heritage protection, monument conservation and cultural relations.
Mr Lázár further informed the press that he thanked Márton Nobilis, the President of the National Office for Communication, who tendered his resignation on Thursday, for his contribution. The Office was set up with a view to streamlining the costs of government communications, and it implemented a public procurement worth HUF 25 billion in the summer. Márton Nobilis will assist the Government’s work in the area of public procurements in the future.
Photo: Károly Árvai
Deputy State Secretary for the Coordination of Infocommunications Gábor Bódi is leaving the Prime Minister’s Office, and as a result, the office of the deputy state secretary will also be terminated. In this context, Mr Lázár described the IT developments implemented as part of the modernisation of public administration and the Digital Hungary programme as successful projects.
He further informed the press that on Tuesday morning Prime Minister Viktor Orbán began consultations with his ministers, within the framework of which they are reviewing the status of the ministries and the work of State Secretaries. Personnel issues will be closed by 1 October.
In answer to a question regarding the structural changes within the Government – the establishment of the Prime Minister’s Cabinet Office – Mr Lázár said: he is concentrating on his work, “rather than on spin”.
Photo: Károly Árvai
At the press conference Governmentinfo, State Secretary for Government Communications András Giró-Szász was also queried about his future role in the Government. The State Secretary said in reply: he will discuss this issue with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. “I have yet to have this discussion”, he added.
In answer to a question regarding the future of Governmentinfo, Mr Lázár said: the prospective leader of the Prime Minister’s Cabinet Office, Antal Rogán – who will be responsible for government communication as well – will have to decide whether there is a need for Governmentinfo. If he decides in favour of Governmentinfo, “I shall be happy to be at his disposal”, he said.
The head of the Prime Minister’s Office further told the press that he will conduct talks next week in Brussels with EU Commissioner for competition Margrethe Vestager regarding the capacity maintenance project of the Paks atomic power station. He added that he had been authorised by the Prime Minister to attempt to reach an agreement with the commissioner for competition in Brussels on the conditions of implementation.
Photo: Károly Árvai
Government has paid EU grants worth HUF 8,200 billion
Mr Lázár informed the press that the Government had paid to date EU grants worth HUF 8,200 billion from the financing cycle between 2007-2013, and due to foreign exchange profits, there is scope for the disbursement of another HUF 400 million. This means that by the end of the year, the total of payments will be somewhere between HUF 8,600 and 8,800 billion. 200,000 new jobs came into being over the period of seven years, the central budget made a profit of HUF 1,100 billion, and EU funds accounted for one tenth of the economic growth of the last few years, he added.
State-owned landed areas to be sold in public auctions
The sale of some 380,000 hectares of state-owned land was also mentioned at the press conference. Mr Lázár pointed out in this context: the public auctions will take place between 31 October and 31 December; the first auction announcements will have to be published by 15 October. At the same time, he described the protestations of Jobbik and MSZP regarding the matter as incomprehensible. The socialists sold state-owned landed areas in auctions before 2010 under the supervision of Zoltán Gőgös, who was State Secretary at the time, he said. Regarding Jobbik, the Minister said: he regrets that Jobbik is on the side of large landowners.

Austria also acknowledges the border control system being established on the Hungarian-Croatian border

The Prime Minister

Viktor Orbán

The Prime Minister

After his talks with Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann and Vice Chancellor Reinhold Mitterlehner in Vienna on Friday,PRIME Minister Viktor Orbán said that Austria also acknowledges that a border control system similar to that on the Hungarian-Serbian border must be set up on the Hungarian-Croatian border as well, in the interest of guaranteeing European norms in border crossing.
“We are in the same boat as Austria”
At an international press conference held at the Hungarian Embassy in Vienna, the Prime Minister told the press that he had initiated the meetings with Austria’s political leaders, whom he reassured of Hungary’s wish to preserve the traditionally good relations between the two countries. He said that he had gained the impression, however, that Austria had withdrawn its friendship from Hungary in particularly difficult times; nonetheless, the Hungarian government is prepared to put all that behind them. He said that his government is prepared to simply forget that an Austrian politician had likened Hungary’s recent actions to those of the Nazis. He described this as  absurd coming from someone in such a position.
Photo: Gergely Botár
He stressed that the talks were constructive and took place in an atmosphere of goodwill, and that while there were differences, everyone was eager to overcome them. Therefore thePRIME Minister said that “Austrian-Hungarian relations are better now than they were at 8.00 a.m. this morning”.
The Prime Minister suggested to his Austrian partners that the two countries should attempt to help each another, because from now on, in a legal sense, they are “in the same boat”: as regards migration, the situation on the Hungarian-Croatian border is the same as it is on the Austrian-Hungarian border.
A border control system must be set up on the Croatian border as well
Mr. Orbán said that Hungary has two options. The first of these, proposed by Croatia, is the establishment of a migration corridor leading to Austria; this was rejected by the Austrian leadership, as it is contrary to EU and international regulations. The Prime Minister said that there could be no corridor to Austria, as a corridor cannot be set up without the acceptance of the country at the end of it.
Therefore the task in hand is to create a border control system between Hungary and Croatia like the one on the Serbian border, which has met expectations. This would be in order to guarantee European norms in border crossing, the Prime Minister said, highlighting that this is something that Austria itself acknowledges – though not wholeheartedly.
Prior to the planned closure of the Hungarian-Croatian green border, the Hungarian prime minister will visit the Member States of the Visegrád cooperation (V4), while members of the Hungarian government will visit Croatia to secure the support necessary for its successful operation. Justifying this, Mr. Orbán added that it is not enough to tell the world what Hungary is doing and why solely through the media.
In answer to a question, he stated that the physical border barrier will be a double line of defence on the Hungarian-Croatian border also. Regarding the expected date for securing the border, the Prime Minister said that Hungary does not need to wait for the completion of the second defence line for the green border to be secured.
Mr. Orbán underlined that, when border closure takes effect on the Hungarian-Croatian border, there will be a transparent, clear and legally regulated situation. According to the relevant EU regulations, only those individuals who have already been registered in Croatia will be allowed  to enter Hungary; while Budapest is proceeding on the assumption that the Croatian authorities will meet their obligations, there are doubts as to whether this is indeed the case. However, without the border fence and closure of the border, the Dublin refugee regulations cannot be enforced with respect to those crossing the green border; this is another reason why border protection is needed, he explained.
Photo: Szilárd Koszticsák/MTI
The Prime Minister pointed out that the closure of the border is not a labour of love. Hungary does not want to have a border fence on the Croatian border, but would like to create a situation of friendship and cooperation; however, the current circumstances do not permit this, he said. He told the press that he had asked for alternatives from every European leader at the EU summit held on Wednesday, including President of the European Council Donald Tusk,  President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, and President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz; none of them could offer a better solution, and Mr. Orbán said that he also could not see a better one than that now in place on the Serbian border.
We do not want to build a fence on the Hungarian-Slovenian border
At the same time, the Prime Minister informed the press that the Hungarian government is not planning to erect a fence between Slovenia and Hungary. He said that groundworks are in progress on the Hungarian-Slovenian border in order to clear a zone along the border, thereby permitting the installation of mobile barriers. However, as Slovenia is a member of the Schengen zone, there is no scope for building anything on this border section which could not be removed within a day or which Slovenia did not consent to, he stated.
In answer to a question regarding the fences which are currently being built on the Hungarian borders, the Prime Minister said that there is not enough wire in Europe to meet Hungary’s needs, and consignments have already been ordered from China as well. Through the Hungarian law enforcement agencies, however, machinery has been procured which will enable these elements to be manufactured locally in the future.
He said that he would not ask anyone to judge the border barrier from an aesthetic point of view; he described it as having an improvised appearance in places.
Mr. Orbán said that the potential flow of modern-day mass migration is unlimited, but European leaders have not yet realised this. He commented that as a proposal on joint patrolling of Greece’s borders had not been approved at the EU summit, people must not be surprised if the flood of people moving from southern to northern Europe does not subside.
Photo: Szilárd Koszticsák/MTI
At the same time, the Prime Minister found it objectionable that, according to a European Commission working document, immigration is not a problem, but a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to remedy the demographic problems. He described this approach as mistaken, saying that no clearer invitation could be sent to migrants.
If we cannot protect the Hungarian border, Schengen will collapse
In answer to a question, the Prime Minister pointed out that the protection of Hungary’s southern borders is also the protection of Austria’s, Bavaria’s and, ultimately, Europe’s borders. He said that if we fail in this, Schengen will collapse.
He said that if Hungary is unable to protect its southern borders, the number of people arriving en route for Austria and Germany could be 10,000 per day, and as many as 250,000 over the next few months.
Mr. Orbán highlighted that, from a political point of view, the fence being built on the Croatian border presents a major dilemma, as Zagreb is not a member of the Schengen Area but is a member of the European Union. He pointed out that Hungary enjoys the benefits of the Schengen system, but this also involves obligations every now and then, and Hungary agrees to meet those obligations.
The Hungarian prime minister said that it is not a pleasant feeling to build fences, and the Hungarian police are attempting to protect the borders in the most humane way possible.
In answer to a question, the Prime Minister praised Serbia, and said that cooperation with Belgrade was exemplary, even in the most difficult moments. This had only faltered once, he said: during the violent incident at Röszke, where he said attacks had been launched from Serbian territory, which the Serbian authorities had failed to prevent. Apart from this incident, he stated that in the present situation Serbia has behaved as would be expected of an EU candidate country.
According to his original programme, the Prime Minister was also going to meet Heinz-Christian Strache, Chairman of the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ), but this meeting was cancelled. In reply to a question, Mr. Orbán said that he was aware of reservations with regard to the FPÖ, but that in the light of the recent Burgenland state elections and the resulting coalition which was formed there, he believed that it was possible to engage in talks with the party. (The FPÖ, which is regarded as an extreme-right party, won 15 per cent of the votes, and formed a coalition with the larger government party, the Social Democrats (SPÖ).) At the same time, he said, Austria’s leaders had requested him not to go through with this meeting; he had complied with their request, as he was in Austria to improve relations.
(MTI/Prime Minister's Office)